USCIS announces "listening session" on how to enhance the process and limit burdens on naturalization applicants

Listening Session: Citizenship and Naturalization

March 15, 2022 | 2 to 3:30 p.m. Eastern

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services invites you to participate in a listening session on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Eastern. The listening session is for stakeholders to provide feedback on how USCIS can update citizenship and naturalization regulations and policy (USCIS Policy Manual Volume 12 Citizenship and Naturalization) to enhance the process and limit burdens. While we are actively looking for ways to improve access to citizenship and naturalization, the focus of the listening session will be solely changes USCIS can legally make through a regulation or policy and not changes to the statutory provisions established by Congress. USCIS is committed to public engagement, and sessions such as these provide us with valuable feedback as we work to improve our programs.

Topics of interest and questions for consideration: We would appreciate feedback on the following topics:

1. Are there regulatory provisions or USCIS policies related to citizenship and naturalization that have been a source of confusion and/or that have made the process and requirements unnecessarily complicated or burdensome in the following areas:

  • Naturalization Examination to include interviews and educational requirements; and
  • Certificates of Naturalization or Citizenship and Oath of Allegiance ceremonies.

2. Are there regulatory provisions or USCIS policies related to citizenship and naturalization that have been a source of confusion and/or that have made the process and requirements unnecessarily complicated or burdensome in the following areas:

  • Residence requirements including continuous residence, physical presence, and jurisdiction requirements; and
  • Good moral character requirements.

3. Are there regulatory provisions or USCIS policies related to citizenship and naturalization that have been a source of confusion and/or that have made the process and requirements unnecessarily complicated or burdensome in the following areas:

  • Requirements for spouses and children of U.S. citizens including adopted children; and
  • Requirements for military servicemembers.

4. Are there other citizenship and naturalization areas for which the stakeholder community would benefit from additional guidance or clarity?

To Register:

  1. Visit our registration page.
  2. You will be asked to sign up for updates or to access your subscriber preferences; please enter your email address and select “Submit.”
  3. Select “Subscriber Preferences.”
  4. Select the “Questions” tab.
  5. Provide your location, organization name and organization type (if applicable).
  6. Complete the questions and select “Submit.”

Posted: to Citizenship News on Mon, Mar 7, 2022
Updated: Mon, Mar 7, 2022