Great new program development resource from CLINIC

"Creating A Citizenship Preparation Program"

CLINIC has designed a very comprehensive new program development "Toolkit"  for legal provider groups who want to add citizenship application assistance and test prep instruction to their services. Adult education providers will find a lot of useful information here, too. The link is here: 

Below is the table of contents:

 I.    Introduction: Tools for a Legal Program Interested in Starting a Citizenship Program

Designed for legal immigration programs interested in creating a citizenship program.

II.     A Client’s  Road to CitizenshipFollow the client’s road to citizenship with this chart that details the step-by-step process a client follows in order to become a U.S. citizen.

III.    Program Needs for Legal and Language Service Programs CombinedCompare the programmatic and equipment needs for legal and language programs, and learn what components of these two programs can be shared.
IV.    Citizenship Program ModelsMany citizenship programs start small and grow over time. This chart will identify easy services to implement now plus provide ideas for services to plan for in the future.
V.    Planning for a Citizenship ProgramCreating a legal and language service program requires a lot of planning and thought. A sample Logic Model is provided to assist program development and a blank template can be printed for individual use.

VI.    Program DevelopmentFunding must be considered when planning to open a new program or to offer new services. Use this resource to learn about possible program standards required by funders as well as potential sources of funding.
VII.    Integrating Technology into your ProgramThe use of technology is becoming increasingly important in the legal and language services field. This chart will pinpoint technological advances and improvements programs can make today and into the future.
VIII.    Sample Course Outlines for Citizenship ClassClick here to view sample course outlines for both ELL-based civics classes and citizenship classes.  
IX.    Training  and other ResourcesVisit this page to access resources that can be used for planning legal and language service programs. 
X.    FAQsFind answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding a citizenship preparation program.
XI.    TerminologyLearn the definitions of commonly used terms and acronyms.

Posted: to Citizenship News on Mon, Jan 9, 2012
Updated: Mon, Jan 9, 2012