Latest Naturalization Trends Report

from Migration Policy Institute

AUGUST 10, 2016

More than 653,000 immigrants became U.S. citizens in fiscal year 2014, bringing the total number of naturalized U.S. citizens to 20 million—nearly half the overall immigrant population of 42.4 million. Over the past decade, naturalizations have ranged from about 537,000 yearly to just more than 1 million. Learn more about naturalization trends in the United States with this Spotlight article:


  • more than half of new naturalized citizens lived in four states: California(21%), Florida (12%), New York (12%), and Texas (8%). 
  • 1/3 of the new citizens resided in three metropolitan areas: greater New York City (15 %), Los Angeles (9%), or Miami (8 %). These metropolitan areas, together with the greater Washington, DC area (4 %), Chicago (4 %), San Francisco (3 %), Houston (3 %), Boston (3 %), and Dallas (3 %) were home to more than half of all new U.S. citizens.
  • the median number of years of residence between the date when LPR status was conferred and the date of naturalization was 7 years, the same as in the previous two years.

Posted: to Citizenship News on Tue, Aug 16, 2016
Updated: Tue, Aug 16, 2016